Friday, March 15, 2013

Thank you for the ride...

Well, hello everyone! It has been a little while..... I feel like I am truly starting to pull my head out of the sand. A friend of mine could sense my struggle by my last post and told me "you better be careful you just might miss it!" Well the last thing I want to do it miss it :) Thank you for your love and prayers. 

Every spring the company organizes a flower parade and festival. All of the flowers are grown in the garden center on camp. It was simply amazing and oh so entertaining!!

This was really funny to watch. The people kept storming the floats and so the workers formed a human chain to keep them off the streets... no worky

Ashlyn's friend spotted her and was excited. 

This is a very special day for the workers on camp. They all dressed up and it was the highlight of the parade. We especially loved the cactus'.  Knowing that these people are living away from their loved ones trying to make a living and better life for them is humbling. They were very proud of their beautiful work. 

Mason at bat.. He is loving his team and is learning so much.

Masons class trip to another Aramco camp. It is called Ras Tanura. It is about 30 minutes away and was a beautiful perfect beach day. We found many shells, sea cucumber, jelly fish and crab. 

Masons little buddy Brady :) 

 Allie and Sydney participated in tournaments over the weekend. Sydney played awesome and they won the tournament. I am glad that she got her aggression out on the court! These girls were not messing around...

Allie won the game for her team on a 5th round shoot out! I was so happy for her :)

 My best find of the last two months. I bought all that I could and I'm sad to say we ate them way to fast!

 The highest point I have found. I really miss the mountains and look forward to hiking this summer. 

During the tournament we housed these two cute girls. They are from another area called Riyad. It is about an hour plus plane ride. The girl on the left is from Lebanon and the girl on the right from Turkey. It was fun to learn about their families. 

My favorite photo of the week... Yes my kids sometimes show me that they love and care about each other.