Thursday, May 16, 2013

Masons performance, Mothers day and softball

Mason and the "Moosical" at his school! It was so great.
My little chicken

The 9th grade graduation dance. Wow it was quite the event. The parents came for the first little bit and embarrassed their kids :) and took pictures. Syd looked so pretty.

 Syd and her friends Annie and Randi

 Syd had on some serious heels! I am looking like a shrimp.

 Mason and Leah... We are trying to love her through the puppy years
but Mason still calls her the enemy.

 Dairy Queen! We were in Baharain for the weekend and found ice cream and a movie.
 Ash from our hotel window in Baharain. We were there for District conference. It was a nice weekend away from the abaya.
 Mason and his baseball team. He had a great time and can't wait to start again in the fall.
 We have made friends with a wonderful young man. His name is Abdull Rhamon or Dahoom. I am sure I am not spelling this right. He has been such a wonderful person to get to know. He is so kind and generous with his time. We call him for a lot for help :) Thanks Dahoom!
 We went to a yummy Indian restaurant for Mothers Day. We are all so photogenic!

Allie loves taking pictures!

 I love you.... you love me. (by mason)
 Allie the evil sorcerer!
 Laken is home with us!!
 My fun softball team! Mason just reminded me we lost every game :)