Thursday, July 4, 2013


Tim and I recently made a quick trip to Jordan. It was pretty amazing to be on Holy ground and contemplate the Savior's time in this land. Tim has a much deeper knowledge and understanding of the history. Although I enjoyed it, he was immersed in it!  We look forward to taking our kids back with us. 

Dipping our feet in the River Jordan. 
 We stayed at a resort right on the beaches of the dead sea. It was a weird sensation to lay flat on your back and just float effortlessly. We got the dead sea mud rub. It is supposed to be so good for your skin but of course I got hives :)

 We visited the missionary home and found people that we immediately knew and loved! The couple on the left are the Hammons from Rexburg. They went to dental school with Neil Kunz. They knew my Uncle Merle and Maureen and had visited their farm often. The couple on the right are the Strongs. They were in our stake in Sandy and lived around the corner from us. We had a wonderful lunch with them and felt closer to home that we had in a while. The world is small at times :) They are serving as church humanitarian missionaries and are key in the church's role in the Syrian refuge camps in Jordan as well as helping build and strengthen Universities. They said the best thing we could do to serve the Jordanians would be to smile at them and show them your love.