Monday, September 9, 2013


Arriving in Saudi we were unsure whether or not there would be any soccer for the girls to participate in. We soon learned of a team called "Desert Wind" that traveled to Denmark once a year to participate in a world wide tournament. I have to give all credit to Tim as far as getting the ball rolling and signing the girls up  (I still had my head in the clouds with moving here).  The team is coached by a expat that has been here close to 15 years. He trains the girls and prepares them for this tournament.  Tim and Laken went along to cheer Allie and Ashlyn on.  This was an experience that they will long remember and talk about.  

 Ashlyn is the youngest member of the team but works hard to earn her spot. 

 For those of you that think Allie is always gentle and soft spoken... this is for you :)

 an artifact from one of the museums the boys visited
 Laken, Tim and bff Jim went to a professional game.
 Tim's laundry 
 These next few pictures are of bunkers along the coast in Denmark

 The best thing that came from this trip is this! They learned to stick together, take care of one another and cheer each other on.

In the end the girls team made it to the semi-finals and lost. They were competing with teams from all over the world but the Norwegian teams were the most difficult rivals.

Lost Paradise

Yay! We found The Lost Paradise :) The kids enjoyed it for about 2 hours and then believe it or not it got to HOT. It is in Baharain, across the causeway. We were able to wear our normal swimwear but the girls and I were in the minority for sure. (June 2013)

 Allie doing what she loves the most!
 Laken and a couple of our Saudi friends.
"I am so happy in the water."
 Ashlyn has a nickname that one of our family friends dubbed for her... It is "George of the Jungle!"