Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Merry Christmas

I have debated these last few weeks on Christmas cards... I wanted to wish many family members and friends a Merry Christmas and tell them how much I love them but wasn't quite sure how to do it! This will be a first for us not being in Idaho for Christmas. We aren't quite sure how we feel about it yet. :) 
 I hope that if your reading this,  you know this is a wish for you, to know how much we love and cherish your friendship, support and love! Often I feel like my ability to show my loved ones my love for them is thwarted with distance and time zones. I feel frustrated and wonder if they will know how much I love them and think of them. When I am falling asleep at night and their climbing out of bed in the morning, the time we have to communicate that love seems very short...cliche I know...but like branches on a tree we all grow and go in different directions.  I always pray that our roots will keep us together across the miles. I am betting it does! 

I have only posted once in 2015! That is pretty sad. Living here has caused us to be in constant motion! We plan a year in advance and are always looking and preparing for the next opportunity to take a glance of whats around us. My kids are growing up and are taking steps into adulthood. Here is a quick peak into each of their lives.

Laken as Unit Commander of Company A
I am so proud of this young man! He has worked tirelessly at becoming a better student, leader, friend and brother. Last night he called us so excited that he had been selected to be the Regimental Commander of Infantry. This will be his final make of his career at Culver. He is planning to serve an LDS mission. We are thankful for his caring and kindness to Allie, his work ethic, and generous forgiving heart - always giving people the benefit of the doubt.

 grandma joined me for parents weekend in September. 

Sydney enjoying a round of golf with Grandpa in Saudi.

Syd has worked so hard this year at school! It's hard to believe that I have two kids graduating. Sydney manages to stay busy in Saudi. She works really hard in  her studies, balloon business, teaching gymnastics, seminary president  and running all of my errands. I am not sure our house will function when she goes off to college. She is my sweet friend and who I go to for help. I love you Sydney! 
 Desert trip to Doha, Qatar

Allie, happy to be rolling around in the grass! 

This has been a big year of change for Allie, and for our whole family for that matter. She began her 10th grade at Culver Academies. The same school that Laken attends. Allie has worked really hard at living away from home and gotten good grades. She played on the soccer team this fall and had a great time. I think what Allie has enjoyed the most from her experience is the weather, beautfiul lake Maxincuckee, being with Laken and me not nagging her! 

The Fall Ball with Laken and Allie

This girl loves life! She is a dedicated student, friend, sister and teammate. She has grown a lot this last year and is easily taller than I am! I love to watch her in any sport but especially soccer. She has a fun group of friends and likes to be social as well as hang out in the kitchen with me.  She loves food, The Voice, her phone, parties with friends and her bed!  Oh, and I forgot to mention Alfredo;)
Sounds like a pretty typical 14 year old right?! 
Sydney and Ash in Malaysia

Ash and her bud Kathleen. 

Mason loves school! He has been so happy this year with his class and his teacher. He has learned to be very responsible and works really hard. He got a hover board for his birthday and is really good at it. He is the baby of the family and so we give him pretty much whatever he wants!! except for an iphone! :) Tim coaches Masons baseball team and is his den leader. They keep pretty busy!

 Mason Jumping off the boat in Malaysia. He loved Scuba diving.

Tim and I trying to keep the romance alive! We danced the night away at our first formal in a long time. 

We hope that you all know that at the center of our family and what ties us closely together is our knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. We try to follow His example and treat others as He would have. This experience of living abroad has made us appreciate our time together more fully. We have been very blessed with employment, good health and a  wonderful community of friends. We are thankful for each of you and pray for you. I hope that we will see you in the year to come. Merry Christmas!