Friday, April 26, 2013

My moms away...Lets play! by Ashlyn

Over the weekend we went to Bahrain:)  We enjoyed
going to a big water park and going to the movie theater 
and watching oblivion(It was a good movie) Also my mom was away looking at boarding schools with Sydney. So it was just Dad, Allie, Mason and me, Ashlyn.

 We were waiting for the big bucket to dump on our heads:)

 The next day we went sight seeing we saw many amazing sights this is at the old Bahrain Fort it was so amazing.

Some more of the fort.
Dad and I!! Yipee.. It was a blast. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm on a role!

During Laken and Gene's visit we traveled to a city about two hours from our house called Hofuf. We visited a couple of interesting spots and and Laken and Mason got their first camel ride. 

 Laken and Mas get their first camel ride! 

The ride home was long and everyone was tired! I have proof that Gene fell asleep :) I said, "did you have a good nap?" He of course said, "I wasn't asleep..." 

 The roads here are not fun to travel on. You never know from one minute to the next who will fly by you going extremely fast! If you are in the far lane they will go into the emergency lane and pass. It is scary sometimes. Needless to say, Tims driving now seems pretty awesome to me! 

 Rock On!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

This ones for you Brooke :)

This ones for you Brookie!! Thanks for being my number one blog fan.. You are a sweetheart and we miss watching you play soccer :) Ashlyn can't wait for the camp this summer. Keep smiling. Love, Molley


We had our first visitors in March! Laken and grandpa came for a week. We kept them pretty busy and loved every minute of our time together. It is a long flight and jet lag going East is harder than going West. I can attest to that! We couldn't have been happier to see them. 

Another compound about an hour away is on this awesome beach. We spent the afternoon playing in the sand.

(I am soooo tired!)

We took a trip out in the deep desert with several other families. 

Mason and his buddy Brady at the Bedouin markets. 
I am sad to say that yes, they do eat camel. I was convinced that they didn't but this was proof. 

My family! Oh, how I love each of these faces. I can't believe how big they are all getting...The dog will hopefully grow on me. 

This camel stopped and let us pet it and then ran ahead and flopped down and rolled around in the sand. It was a strange sight for sure!
These men live in this. We passed many Bedouin camps. We stopped and gave him a bottle of water.

Ashlyns turn to climb up the ladder. 
This was called Ship rock. It actually kinda looked like a big ship. After crawling inside for a bit you came to this opening and could climb up to the top. These are some survivors :) 

I am sure this is the best smile. Thanks Laken for letting it show :-)

This is Leah.... I will explain. We adopted her from a family in our ward that was having allergies. She is a sweet pain in the butt. Funny thing is the Muslims are very scared of dogs. Tim likes taking her wherever we go so we get some really mean looks. Some parents want their kids to touch her but the kids scream their heads off! Completely terrified. 

During one of our stops these boys came running towards us. We were apparently on their land. They didn't mind and joined us for the walk up the mountain. There were many ancient artifacts like pottery, arrowheads, writings on the rock. It was interesting.