Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm on a role!

During Laken and Gene's visit we traveled to a city about two hours from our house called Hofuf. We visited a couple of interesting spots and and Laken and Mason got their first camel ride. 

 Laken and Mas get their first camel ride! 

The ride home was long and everyone was tired! I have proof that Gene fell asleep :) I said, "did you have a good nap?" He of course said, "I wasn't asleep..." 

 The roads here are not fun to travel on. You never know from one minute to the next who will fly by you going extremely fast! If you are in the far lane they will go into the emergency lane and pass. It is scary sometimes. Needless to say, Tims driving now seems pretty awesome to me! 

 Rock On!!

1 comment:

  1. So funny I just asked when you were going to update. Love all the pics and I love the visitors, makes it nice to have someone you love and come see you then you always gong to them. Hope your getting your running in. Love you
