Friday, November 8, 2013


 Boarding School...

Laken is attending boarding school at the Culver Military Academies in Culver, Indiana. Culver is about 2 hours outside of Chicago a midst corn fields and more corn fields. It is not a "military" school in the sense that he will not go into the military after high school. It is a school with many military traditions and follows somewhat of a military command.  Laken is doing really well at this school and so far it has been a good decision for him. We miss him so much and pray for him every single minute of the day! Go Laken, we love you and are cheering you on :) 
 Cadets must have routine haircuts. Hair cant touch your collar.

 Grandpa was able to come with me to drop Laken off in August. I was so thankful for the company and support. This was Laken getting all of his uniforms sized.

 Laken and his roomate Ian. The are better known as "tree" and "stump." Ian is from Chicago and so far they have gotten along pretty good.
 The campus at Culver is beautiful. This is a picture of the chapel and grounds outside of Laken's room.

 Tim and I attended parents weekend with Laken. We spent some great time together and got to experience his typical day by going to his classes with him. He is such a sweet boy. I know he will do great things. 

 Lake Maxinkuckee.. It is right on campus and is beautiful.

 Laken is able to attend the Plymouth branch each week with a sweet lady named Lynn Rasch. Lynn is the assistant dean to the girls at Culver. She is the only other LDS member on campus besides Laken. Lynn has been such a blessing and has taken Laken to his meetings. This picture is of Laken and the missionary couple the Fosters. Just so happens they are from Idaho and are relatives to the Kunz's. Small world...

 Each Sunday they have a parade and each unit does there specific duty. It was truly amazing what they did. I was so glad that Tim and I could share this time with Laken. We both felt so blessed. Culver is a good place with many good people. Laken is proud of his school and respects the philosophy and leadership. 

Family Reunion and Summer 2013

 Just looking back at this last summer has got me missing these faces SO much!! We enjoyed every minute of our time together and feel so blessed to call you home... 
 I think we crashed someones birthday party and got our faces painted? Sayler and Ash weren't sure what they were :) 

 I think this picture of my mom and I is my all time favorite picture. Oh, I love this woman! This was taken right before we found ourselves in the middle of thousands of screaming teenagers at the One Direction concert. Love you mom.
 "Any day spent with you is my favorite day...So, today is my new favorite day." 
Winnie the Poo
 We had a blast at our family reunion. We had a competition to see who could shoot the best. I think Lyndsey won by hitting the target with Gus on her back. Such wonderful memories. 

 Whose egg will make it? Allie and Robb's of course :)

 A trip over the mountain with grandma and her girls! 

 Grandpa was working in the field cutting hay when we were on our way to Salt Lake. We got to stop and give him a hug before we left. Love you Gramps!