Friday, November 8, 2013

School fun

 Mason and his fun Principal Mr. Chavez. Mason got to be the one to take him to "walk the plank."


 Happy Anniversary to us!! Tim and I went to Rome for our 20th... We spent time sightseeing Rome and enjoying the culture. My favorite part was exploring the villages along the mountainsides and the Colosseum. Tims favorite part was eating half of my mouth watering, only in Rome.. PANINI! :)

 I love seeing all of the older people sitting outside.  I think I could enjoy this... Fresh air and gellato, it really doesn't get much better !

 Something to jump for!! yay we got a trampoline. The kids have always had a tramp and when we moved to Saudi we left ours behind. We were excited to find one. We have bets on how long before it rusts and falls apart but so far so good :)

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