Monday, February 11, 2013

A new car, McDonalds and simple things...

This last week we purchased our car... This was such a different experience for us. We wrestled with the options for quite a while. Most all people that we asked about car buying here gave us the same answer. First, don't buy a used car from anyone other than an expat and second, buy big! Cars hold their value really well here and so we decided to buy a new car and yes, we bought big. This nice man sold us the car and we fell in love with him. He was so kind and fun to work with. As we got ready to leave he said, "my heart feels very happy for your family." Oh, and its made in the USA!!! :)

Now that we have a little more freedom and can get around we made a stop at the McDonald's.. I am sure that french fries have never tasted so good to us. I had the McArabia Chicken. It was a chicken patty in a flat bread. I liked it. Tim stuck with the Big Mac because he likes stomach aches!

The restaurants have different seating sections. This is the family section. Its great you can close the curtain and no one else gets to watch you get greasy! 

The stop lights are on timers. This was an especially long light and that man is selling cotton candy. I had never seen that before! 

 The fruit/veg market in Dammam. It is great! You can stock up on fresh produce for a very good price. I was laughing because the man helping me with my stuff was taking the picture... He cracked me up. I went with a new friend. Her name is Kristi. This is the funny man. His smile was from ear to ear and he kept trying to get Kristi to eat a hot pepper. 
It is a process to make the house feel like a home. Everyone says it will be so much better when your shipment comes. Oh wait, we don't have a shipment coming!!!! (we took cash in lieu of shipping) Today we finished with the painting and lights. It is feeling much warmer and more comfortable. We had the whole house painted and recess lighting installed. YAY!!

They are putting in new grass and sprinklers in the yard. When people leave Aramco they remove all bushes and plants, except for trees. Then when new hires move in they will let you choose your plants and flowers and give you new grass if you want. 

I started playing on a softball team. Tonight we had our first game. It was fun to be playing again. This is a picture of the field. The facilities here are very nice.


  1. Looks awesome. What kind of car did you get?

    1. Hi Jenn,
      We bought a ford expedition (EL) extra long :) How are you guys doing in Washington? This can be a hard time of year there. Hope you can get some sun somewhere else (utah maybe?)
