Friday, February 1, 2013

Doctors, Paint and Baharain

People say that time goes really fast here... I am starting to believe them. My days seem to go pretty quickly and I am starting to feel more settled.  This week Mason didn't go to school because he was sick. I enjoyed having him home again :) He will be getting his tonsils out in a month or so.  The first time I took him to the doctor it was to get a referral for the ENT.. The appointment wasn't until March and so I walked up to the ENT clinic and asked the receptionist if I could change the appointment. She said the Doctor is in the 4th door down the hall go ask him and I'm sure he will see you.  I knocked on the door and a man with a British accent told me to come in.  I went in and he said in a bold tone "what is it?" I said the receptionist said to come in, can you take a look at my son? He freaked at me! "where are you from?" "The U.S" I said. "Is this how you see a doctor in the U.S?" he asked rudely. "No, I am new here, the receptionist told me to come in...." It went on from here and I ended up seeing him the next day. I have to learn the system, I guess. He ended up being okay and thinks he needs his tonsils out. The medicine makes him have an upset tummy.

Mason feeling better now.. We get this yummy pizza at the commissary for lunch. They cook it in the brick ovens. It is pretty much our staple food until I remember how to cook.

I made cinnamon bread.... Tim said, "what did you do different this time?" I about slammed him to the floor....and then kindly said "I used Saudi flour, Saudi butter, Saudi oil, Saudi air, Saudi oven, Saudi elevation.!!" grrr 

 On our way over the Causeway to Bahrain. The water was beautiful. 
 We are spending about $7.00 a week in gas. They pump it for you like the old days.
City sign on the road to Baharain

 Saudi riyals do not wash well!! I will have to start checking pockets.... glad the gas is cheap because the laundry isn't! Big Bummer.

 Pretty bird on a run.
 On camp, this place is called the duck pond. It is a pretty green space.
 Sinal the painter. 
 Tim insisted that they sit down and have dinner.... Then he thought about what he would feed them. They had apple juice, and white rice. It was late and I couldn't come up with much else. These men are from India. They have lived in Saudi Arabia for 10 plus years. They all have children and send their families the money they earn. They work for Aramco during the days and work week and then do side jobs during the weekends and evenings. It was fun to sit and try and visit with them. There was a pretty good language barrier....ESPECIALLY ON THE COLOR OF PAINT!!!
 pink kitchen anyone? Oh I loath it!! We are changing rapido... 
 Syd chose her purple and loves it!
 garage door openers are a valuable possession here. I found this one that a lady posted on the classifieds. Tim went and grabbed it and installed it. Totally excited to have it.. Way to go Tim.
 My room. Blue and brown. I like it but the pictures doesn't help much. 

 Aqua and grey. 
Anybody guess what Allie is up to? 

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