Wednesday, February 27, 2013



Okay everybody, I am just going to put this out there! I am struggling.... I am trying so hard to focus on all the blessings that me and my family have BUT, there is a piece of me that is empty. I know that it is that boy in Utah that is trying to manage his world without his mom and dad in the room next door. Last week Laken went to the sweet hearts dance with his friend Sophie.  They looked so cute! I am sorry that I am missing those once in a lifetime events. I hope that Laken never doubts my love or my gratitude for him. I hope that none of my kiddos do. I love being their mother. I am grateful and trying to make it enough :) We are so blessed... Here are some peeks at our last few weeks of life in the MIDDLE! 

Laken and Sophie Gardner on their way to the Sweethearts dance. Laken doesn't usually give a smile so these pictures are special :) 

In this picture we are having dinner at the Hobby Farm. I got out of the car and remarked "oh I love that smell!" It was the smell of horse poop. I know I am weird but it just reminds me of home and being a little girl on a farm. 

 A couple of ladies walking on the path. I am running behind them and can't imagine wearing the full abaya and burka in the heat. 

Mr. Mason at his first baseball game. He is enjoying it so much and hit a home run!!

 Pre- tonsillectomy . They allow the mother to go into the operating room with their child. I opted to give it a try(nevermind the lovely outfit). I only lasted until they had put him to sleep and them happily left. The staff was very nice and helpful. They love little kids. 

Mason is a great patient... Movies and gatorade slush are the best!

Some of our recent purchases and fixing up the yard... I was frustrated that I had taken cash in lieu of shipping but I am beginning to find some beautiful pieces of furniture that we will have forever. 

 Ashlyn and Allie playing in a soccer tournament. It is great to have them both on the same team.  :)

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend don't be sad for to long you might miss something. I am sure laken is missing you too. I love ya keep up that beautiful smile.
