Friday, February 15, 2013

Missing Home...

I titled this post missing home and then started to wonder and think where is home? Honestly when I think of home I think of two places. The first place is My mom and dads in Teton Valley and the second is Sandy Utah. Home to me is not necessarily defined by a place of residence though. I think it is where your loved ones are. Where you have memories and know the neighbors. I miss my family and friends and want them to know how much I love them. 

Happy Birthday Sayler! good thing your not this old yet :) Ashlyn had this picture on her ipod. We miss you.
Love you and hope you have an awesome day!

Sayler, Grandpa H. and Marina all share the same birthday on the 17th! Happy birthday with love :)

Snack bar and bowling Alley. Ashlyn really likes hanging out there and being with her new friends. 

Love these pictures that I found on Ashlyns touch. :)


Ashlyn and Allie are playing on the same team... We are having fun watching them.


Mason and some fruit loops we found on clearance at the commissary. They are so expensive that we haven't bought any until now. Yeah for expired fruit loops :)

And just in case you can't pull yourself off the couch to go and get your Big Mac..... Never fear they deliver!!!

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