Wednesday, February 6, 2013

like manna from heaven, I have 3 teenagers, shopping

Waiting for the bus to go to Ikea. These are the buses the kids ride to school.

Pretty flowers from the gardener.. I was watering them with the sprinkler and the gardener came hustling down the street. "no madam no, you will kill them." Apparently they must be watered with the "sweet" water and not the "salt" water. He had a jug hanging in a near by bush that he had been filling up somewhere to water them. Learn something new everyday... 

 Pretty impressive.. trimming a palm tree in his bare feet!

Yesterday we received the best present in the mail! Grandma Henrie saved the day with 10 boxes of tapioca pudding and 3 bags of twizzlers :) It's the little things people... as Mason was walking to the bus stop with fists full of licorice the kids swarmed around him. "Hey, where did you get that..?" "Licorice?..No fair!" We didn't even offer to share, how rude! 

 Yes, I ate nearly a whole bag in one day :)

Happy Birthday to Allie!! She played hookie from school and we went and did a little shopping. She wanted  strawberry shortcake for her cake... When we found the strawberries they cost as much as a pretty cake from the bakery and so we bought a cake. In the end we should have bought the strawberries and had strawberry shortcake. The cake was pretty yuck!

We were considering buying some fish until we walked to the fish counter and saw these lovely creatures. I am sure they are called "dead as a door nail fish." 

The deli counter. The things on the left are gigantic beans. The picture doesn't really show how big they were but they were at least 2 inches long. Meat mix salad anyone?

Happy Birthday Allie! 

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