Sunday, January 13, 2013

From Washington to Saudi in a flash

Okay, today is the day... I am going to start journaling our adventures. I am going to take you back to the beginning. We were living happily in debt in Bothell Washington for a year almost to the day and Tim got contacted about a possible job opportunity in Saudi Arabia! I was blown away and not open to the idea.  He decided to check it out a bit and flew back to Houston for the interviews.  He left with excitement and hope for his future with Saudi Aramco.  It is a leader in the oil and gas industry.  The company gives you a contingent offer and then gives you a list of requirements that have to be passed in order for the offer to be valid.  When I saw the amount of paper work and requirements I was even more convinced that this wasn't going to happen. Medical screenings, background screenings, school screenings, blood tests. You name it!  I didn't help with the piles and piles of paper work. A pile for each family member.  Tim tackled it and I sat back and got a job and tried to ignore it.  One of the requirements was for the spouse of the employee to go to an orientation in Houston.  I agreed and off we went.  After the day long presentation I left feeling excited but also like I had just witnessed a great time share presentation.  They dangle a lot of things in front of you.  After that I prayed hard and attended the temple and prayed more.  Tim felt peace and contentment but I was on and off.  During Thanksgiving my parents visited and it took them about a week to discuss it with us:) they were not excited to say the least.  I had just returned from the presentation and was feeling more and more at ease.  We had passed all hurdles except for acquiring our visas.  The company issued us our airline tickets and between November 25-December 19th we planned and packed.  Tim worked his tail off trying to keep his current employment up to speed.  They tell you to not give notice to your employer until you have received final clearance of all contingencies.  This was a struggle to say the least.  We took cash in lieu of shipping, listed our house hold goods on a church web site, rented a storage in Utah, got out of our lease, got immunized, teeth cleaned, packed 15 dish size uhaul boxes with items to take to Saudi. Christmas shopped, drove to Utah in a blizzard, sold our cars, drove to my parents, loved every minute of Christmas and treasured the time. Received Visas on the 27th, boarded plane from Jackson Hole to San Fransisco to Dubai.....We flew business class and felt very pampered! It was pretty amazing and probably the last time it will happen :) We arrived safe and sound in Dammam Saudi Arabia on December 30th 2012...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molley, it's a really funny story and also useful for those who wants to come and work there. Like me :) I am trying to find a suitable opportunity at the moment. I have tried couple of web site but I really found useful CareerJet... I strongly recommend for those who are looking for job in Saudi Arabia...
