Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just for today

  I remember when I was little and Emily and I would go out in the top of the pasture and make huts.. We would pretend to be setting up house and taking care of our families.  We made huts out of knocked down trees and cleaned our dirt floors... Sometimes I feel like that is what I am doing here.  I can't just hop in my car and go to target and get what I want. I have to make a home out of what I have....Maybe its all the sand I keep sweeping up that made me think of the forts. :)

 Ashlyn's 5th grade class made these balloons out of tissue paper and glue sticks.  Not many of them took flight because it was to windy.  She had fun making it and getting to know other kids in her group.

We have been in Saudi for 2 weeks now!Today is Wednesday which is our Friday. The kids made it through their first full week of school. Here are some pictures of our house outside and Ashlyn's balloon day at school.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice blog!! I went through every page of it, I really enjoyed reading about you in Saudi Arabia, it seems that noting is going on lately, I miss your blogging! Ali from Saudi.
