Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Weekend

Today is Wednesday...that means that we made it through another week of school.  It is the beginning of the weekend here. It has been a good week. I am trying to figure out how to manage my time during the day and get things accomplished.. I am really anticipating getting our first pay check and being able to begin painting and buying some furniture. 

 The water in the showers is really really salty water. We have a fresh water spicet in the kitchen that is treated at a water plant here and is okay to drink and is much nicer on your hair.  Sydney fills up her jugs and takes them to the shower to rinse her hair.. brrr
 I found an Acorn Lane in Saudi Arabia...
 A really good combination.. The cookies are called biscuits and so they are better for you. :)
 A different kind of morning than we have had since being here. It was really wet and foggy but burned off by the late morning.  It threw the buses off a little bit.
 A grain store I went to with some ladies from the branch.. It was a great find and I am looking forward to making bread out of the flour.
 Ash Court
 Ashlyn is learning to play the clarinet.. she is getting pretty good. 

a great way to clean the bathroom! filled it with hot water and it worked magical...  

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